RSS backed Modi’s fascist Hindutva agenda exposed in IoJK

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Indian troops’ tyranny and brutalities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) has witnessed an unprecedented surge, after the RSS- backed fascist Modi’s Indian government had illegally abrogated the territory’s special status, while splitting it into two union territories on August 5, 2019.
Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control(LoC) and across the globe are observing Military Siege Day (Yaum-e-Istehsal) on Wednesday, while denouncing illegal, unconstitutional and immoral step which India took on this day, to strip IIOJK of its special status.
Since the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian constitution in August 5, 2019, the Modi’s fascist Indian government continues to adhere to the policy of coercion, deception and torture to undermine the Muslim majority feature of Jammu and Kashmir by changing its demography status. President, Centre for Pakistan and Gulf Studies (CPGS) and a noted politician Sehar Kamran while talking to APP said that during the last three decades, more than 11,000 women in the Indian illegally occupied territory have been subjected to humiliation, rape or gang-rape at the hands of Indian military and occupation forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK).
“Over a billion and a quarter people living in the subcontinent had been held hostage to the issue of Kashmir, and being tortured to death, while physical torture on Kashmiri women and children was rapidly increasing” she added. She said that the Military siege imposed on some ten million Kashmiris in IIOJK had turned the occupied territory into the biggest jail on earth.
Suppressed Kashmiris were continued to face gross human rights violations at the hands of more than 700,000 Indian military and other forces deployed in the valley, she added. Meanwhile, the veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Gilani, last week, in a message to the people of Jammu and Kashmir regarding denouncing the “Military siege Day” has called for observing complete strike and shutdown on Wednesday, Aug 5. In his message, Gilani said that the way the Indian rulers manifested brutality by fulfilling their nefarious designs and agenda, converting illegally occupied territory into the world’s biggest jail, poses an open challenge to the international community, to take immediate action on human rights violations there. He further appealed to the Kashmiris’ community residing , particularly in Pakistan and abroad, to assemble outside Indian high commissions and embassies, in large number on this day and forcefully record their agitation and protest against India’s illegal occupation.
It is worth mentioning here that he All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) in a statement issued in Srinagar on Friday has stressed on its firm resolve on Kashmiris’ plight, at the hands of Indian military, Kashmir Media Service (KMS) reported. It is worth mentioning here that P Chidambaram, a Indian member of parliament and former minister, in his recent published article has written that Jammu and Kashmir was a big jail where Modi government has failed to achieve any results since August 5, 2019. He said that Article 370 which was abrogated to reduce the status of Jammu and Kashmir, has suppressed eight million Kashmiri people into submission and quell the freedom struggle; however, none of the above objectives were achieved.
He said it was a sad failure, and the sadness was compounded by the fact that there was no Abraham Lincoln on the horizon. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) chairperson, Dr Mehdi Hassan said that Indian military had been perpetrating serious human rights violations in the IIOJK for the past over seven decades to subjugate the Kashmiris. Indian military’s atrocities have witnessed unprecedented surge after the RSS- backed fascist Indian government acting upon its Hindutva ideology had illegally abrogated the territory’s special status and split it into two union territories on August 05, last year, he added.
Dr Mehdi Hassan further told APP that world human rights bodies, the UN Secretary General must take cognizance of Indian military’s crimes in IIOJK. It is worth mentioning here that the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday, in a telephonic call to President Dr. Arif Alvi has reaffirmed his country’s support on the Kashmir issue, said a press release. President Dr. Arif Alvi highlighted the plight of Kashmiris in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, and the Muslims in India who were living under the shadow of fear and discrimination.