Britain’s Xinjiang move “seriously poisoned” China-UK ties: envoy

Chinese Ambassador to Britain on Thursday slammed the British interference in China’s internal affairs by raising the so-called “human rights issue” in Xinjiang, saying it has “seriously poisoned” the atmosphere of China-UK relationship.
In an online press conference, Liu Xiaoming, the ambassador, said the China-UK relationship has recently run into a series of difficulties and faced a grave situation.
“The UK side should take full responsibility for the current difficulties in (the) China-UK relationship,” he said.
“China has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, including the UK, and we ask the same from other countries,” Liu said. On Xinjiang, the senior diplomat said Britain has disregarded the facts and confused right and wrong.
“It flung slanders recklessly at China’s Xinjiang-related policies and interfered in China’s internal affairs by raising the so-called ‘human rights issue’ in Xinjiang, bilaterally and multilaterally,” he said.
There has been blatant interference from Britain in Hong Kong affairs, which are also internal affairs of China, said Liu.
The British moves, including groundless accusations against the national security law for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, change to the policy involving British National Overseas passport holders and suspension of the extradition treaty with Hong Kong, have severely disrupted the stability and prosperity in Hong Kong, according to Liu.
Some British politicians cling to the Cold War mentality and echo the remarks of anti-China forces in and outside Britain, playing up the so-called “China threat” and seeing China as a “hostile state,” he said.
But Liu also stressed that China’s willingness to develop its partnership with Britain has not changed.
“A sound and stable China-UK relationship is not only in the fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries, but also conducive to world peace and prosperity,” he said. “We have a thousand reasons to make this relationship successful, and not one reason to let it fail.”
Why is your Ambassador angry? The virus had destroyed the economies of the world. Don’t the Chinese know how to apologise? Instead, they threaten Britain with punishment. It should the British who are angry at China.
No one has said not to buy Chinese made televisions or shoes. However, with any device or equipment, which is connected to the internet is a security risk. Especially, as China does n’t have the same Human Right laws. It means Chinese citizens can be forced to hand over data of customers outside of China or fail jail under security laws.
China has n’t learned its lesson, the lack of Human Rights was why the brave Wuhan Doctor was arrested by Police. It is a broken political system.
If China allowed free speech, then someone would have spoken up about Animal rights, it might have saved China.
China is a country, which is n’t interested in learning from mistakes. Instead

we saw what it did in Hong Kong “China has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, including the UK, and we ask the same from other countries,”Liu Xiaoming said.
Yet it is widely reported China interferes in Nepal to save Communist Party government, China flexes its political muscles in Africa with media censorship, academic controls by dening a scholar at a South African university a visa to enter China until his classroom lectures contain more praise for Beijing, and so forth.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times news exchange item