Rouhani advises moderate campaign against virus

TEHRAN: Defining “the moderate path” as one in which activities are not closed down but protocols are observed, President Rouhani said when 77% of the people were observing the protocols, the casualties were two-digit, but when observance of the protocols dropped to 17%, the second wave of the dangerous breakout started.
Speaking at the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, Rouhani said the medical staff did a great job and now 30% of hospital beds are empty, he added that the virus is going to stay around for at least six months, so people need to observe the protocols accurately. He added that economic, educational, and social activities cannot be totally shut down, but the life-style as it was before coronavirus is not possible either; therefore, a moderate path would be a preference.
People should live one year taking care of themselves; if protocols are ignored, we will be driven to dangerous trouble, he said.
He said people should constantly wash their hands and observe personal hygiene, wear masks and follow the social distancing protocols, and also avoid congregation.
President Rouhani said that next week, instructions will be discussed to adopt punitive measures against those found guilty of ignoring the protective protocols putting at risk safety of the other people. – Agencies