Strong bond further tempered by pandemic


Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, China and Austria have worked together and helped each other in times of difficulty, deepening and developing the friendly strategic partnership between the two countries.
When China was battling the virus, Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz sent letters to Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang respectively, expressing sympathy to the Chinese people and solidarity with China in fighting against the pandemic, saying that “Austria stands with China at this difficult time”.
The Austrian government provided a batch of emergency supplies to China. Former Austrian president Heinz Fischer, who is president of the Austria-China Friendship Association, recorded a video of condolence for China and wrote a letter saying: “The Austrian people feel the same way as the Chinese people and share weal and woe with all the people concerned.” Austrian Digital and Economic Affairs Minister Margarete Schramboeck hosted a roundtable on the economic impact of the pandemic. Austrian enterprises, social organizations, cultural institutions, overseas Chinese in Austria and other sectors have provided encouragement and support to China’s fight against the pandemic in various ways, all of which show the sincere friendship between China and Austria.
China also tried every means to provide assistance to Austria. Premier Li had a telephone call with Chancellor Kurz, saying that China is ready to provide assistance within its capacity and continue to facilitate the purchase and transportation of medical supplies in China. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and sent a letter to express China’s sympathy and support. The two sides exchanged views on strengthening cooperation in fighting against the pandemic. Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan had a telephone conversation with his Austrian counterpart Schramboeck to implement the consensus reached between the heads of government of the two countries.
The Chinese central government and provincial governments have provided many batches of aid materials to Austria. The Chinese embassy opened a visa green channel for Austrians returning to work in China. Chinese-funded institutions and overseas Chinese in Austria have also taken action to fight against the pandemic. In addition, the Chinese and Austrian virologists and doctors exchanged experiences through videoconferences to carry out in-depth cooperation in drug research and development.
In March, when the pandemic prevention and control situation was very serious, China actively assisted Austria in designing air routes. So far, Austria has dispatched more than 80 chartered cargo flights to purchase and transport more than 1,500 metric tons of medical protective supplies from China. The Austrian president and chancellor praised China’s strong support on Twitter, and the Austrian media spoke highly of China’s help, and many Austrians sent letters to the Chinese embassy in Austria expressing their heartfelt thanks.
During the critical period of China’s fight against the pandemic, a friend from Austria expressed his support by sending a donation of 333 euros ($388) to the Chinese embassy in Austria. A special stamp with the words “Go Wuhan” was pasted on the envelope. To express gratitude, the Chinese embassy in Austria sent masks to the friend many times after the outbreak of the pandemic in Austria. After finding out that the friend was an elderly man who was studying Chinese at the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna, the embassy posted his story on the internet, which attracted many readers’ attention and added a new chapter to the story of friendship between China and Austria.
The people of China and Austria feel that they are not alone in their difficulties amid the crisis. The traditional friendship between the two countries has withstood the test of the most serious global disaster since the end of World War II and will exert a positive and far-reaching influence on the future development of bilateral relations.
Although the pandemic in China and Austria has eased significantly, it is not over yet. The pandemic is still developing worldwide and a second wave may emerge. Both China and Austria have accumulated much experience in treatment, prevention and control and are actively developing vaccines. The two sides should continue to strengthen exchanges, draw on each other’s strengths and deepen cooperation in areas including healthcare and emergency management. While consolidating our respective achievements in prevention and control, we should work together to help Africa and other regions and countries in difficulty.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item