Lawmakers meet to review draft state honor decision

BEIJING: Chinese national lawmakers met on August 10 to deliberate a draft decision and multiple reports at a plenary meeting during the 21st session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature.

Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, attended the plenary meeting.

Lawmakers heard the explanations to a draft decision on conferring the national medal and honorary title to individuals who made outstanding contributions to fighting the COVID-19 epidemic.

The State Council submitted to the session a report on implementing the innovation-driven development strategy and promoting the enforcement of the Law on the Progress of Science and Technology, and a report on the law enforcement of public security organs.

According to the public security report, public security organs nationwide have improved their law enforcement and fulfilled their duties in accordance with the law, and have effectively maintained social stability.

The National Supervisory Commission submitted a work report on fugitive repatriation and return of criminal proceeds. A total of 7,831 fugitives on suspicion of duty-related violations were brought back from overseas from 2014 to June 2020, according to the report.

Lawmakers heard a report on the implementation of the decision on completely banning the illegal trade and consumption of wildlife and the enforcement of the Wildlife Protection Law. Affirming the implementation of the decision and the law, the report proposed further improving laws related to wildlife protection.

Lawmakers also reviewed a report on the enforcement of the Law on Promoting Agricultural Mechanization and a report on the research project for the compilation of the 14th Five-Year Plan.

In the afternoon, Li also presided over a meeting of the Council of Chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee to hear reports on bill deliberations.


languages and are ready for publication. These books will be sent to libraries and cultural centers of about 100 countries,” Tokayev said.

Born on Aug. 10, 1845, Abai is considered one of Kazakhstan’s most important poets who played a central role in the development of Kazakh as a legitimate written language.


The majority of the companies with Uzbek capital (903 companies) operate in Kazakhstan’s wholesale and retail trade sector, as well as in vehicles repair.

The next greatest number of companies (199) with Uzbek capital operates in Kazakhstan’s construction. The third place accounts for 101 Uzbek companies operating in the processing industry of Kazakhstan.

In turn, the least number of companies with Uzbekistan capital operates in the following sectors water supply sector; collection, processing and removal of waste, liquidation activities (5 companies); and in gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning (4 companies);

No companies with Uzbekistan’s capital operate in Kazakhstan’s compulsory social security; and in activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies.
– The Daily Mail Beijing Review News exchange item