CGSS, Azerbaijan extend internship programme

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

On 14thAugust 2020, forth session of the Online International Internship Program “Contemporary Dynamics of Azerbaijan” was held. This internship program is initiated jointly by Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad and Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Pakistan.
The session was related to “The role of Azerbaijan in the system of international relations & its foreign policy and the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”.
The session was commenced with the remarks of Ms. Mehreen Gul, Director, CGSS and Program Coordinator of the Internship Program. She highlighted thetheme of second week and discussed the importance of discussing Azerbaijan’s foreign policy and its role in global geopolitical arena.
Dr. Mehmood Ul Hassan, Eurasian & CIS Expert, Lahore, Pakistanwas the speaker for this session. He gave an in-depth presentation regarding the topic and highlighted the basics and basis of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy and its role in the development of Azerbaijan. He also discussed Azerbaijan’s Strategic achievements as a result of their strong foreign policy and diplomatic ties with neighbor countries including Pakistan.
Furthermore, he explained the participants regarding the Khojaley Massacre. The Khojaly massacre, was the mass murder of Azerbaijani civilians from the town of Khojaly.
Dr. Mehmood ul Hasan also discussed that Pakistan stands with Azerbaijan and has passed its unconditional support to Azerbaijan on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
The session was attended by the interns who are enrolled in this program and it is note-worthy that people from across Pakistanare a part of this exclusive Internship program. This program will further enhance Pakistan-Azerbaijan bilateral relationship, and people to people contact.