Jeenbekov urges for enhanced exports

DM Monitoring

BISHKEK: Kyrgyzstan will step up exporting ecologically clean agricultural products, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov said Saturday.
In a regular interview with state radio, Jeenbekov said such products are of high demand in every country. He noted that especially developed countries with a high standard of living are interested in such clean products. “We prepared our laboratories and became ready to enter the international level. Neighboring China is a big market for us,” said the president. The Kyrgyz president stressed that in order to enter foreign markets, it is necessary to produce and increase the volume of food that meets the requirements. At the same time, he noted that for this it is necessary to improve the production technology and provide a sufficient amount of raw materials.
“To enter the external market, we have projects for the construction of logistics centers; funds have already been found,” Jeenbekov said.
Earlier, the country’s Ministry of Agriculture reported that the agriculture sphere showed good results amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The ministry said that since the beginning of the year, exports of domestic agricultural products reached more than 400,000 tons, which is 90,000 tons higher than in the same period last year, and the volume of gross agricultural output increased by 1.8 percent.