Remark taken out of context, clarifies AGP

By Shakeel Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: Attorney General of Pakistan (AGP) Khalid Jawed Khan on Monday said that his remark that Centre was mulling over a constitutional option over Karachi was taken out of context. “It does not mean that we are mulling over imposing governor rule or any such option instead we have formed an advisory committee, which is also a constitutional option,” he said while talking to media. He said that the options of governor rule and imposition of Article 149 in the province are not even under consideration.
We have assured Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah against taking any unconstitutional step, he said adding that the federal government wanted cooperation between unbiased administrators appointed in the city and advisory committee for resolving issues faced by Karachi. The attorney general said that more federal institutions would help the provincial authorities in solving issues faced by the city if needed.
Speaking over the Sindh High Court (SHC) decision on sugar inquiry commission report, he said that the federal government would challenge the provincial court’s decision in the Supreme Court. It is pertinent to mention here that a meeting of PPP, PTI, and MQM-P leaders took place in Karachi on Saturday wherein they discussed issues plaguing the port city.