US attempt to ‘induce change inside of China’ ridiculous

By Zhong Sheng

For a while, some U.S. politicians, including U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have been racking their brains to peddle lies all over the world to maliciously attack and slander China.
The rumor-mongering gang, which brings a foul atmosphere wherever they go, intends to confuse public opinion and poison people’s minds.
However, no matter how hard they try to disguise themselves, their evil intentions behind the so-called “failed U.S. attempt to induce change inside of China” have already been exposed to the entire world.
These rumor-mongering politicians have tried literally every means to “change” China indeed. They have comprehensively denied the history of China-U.S. relations, obstructed China’s development in an all-round way, challenged China’s core interests, attacked the social system chosen by the Chinese people, and smeared the ruling party of China that enjoys close ties with and are inseparable from the Chinese people.
It seems that Pompeo dug the things engraved on his mind around the 1970s and the 1980s out of an old box kept in mothballs, said Alexander Lomanov, deputy director for scientific work at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences.
“Mike Pompeo is botching his job,” U.S. media put bluntly.
In fact, Pompeo and some like-minded U.S. politicians have earned a bad reputation for being ignorant and evil-minded. They have made irresponsible remarks out of ulterior motives, trying to hinder China’s development. As it turned out, such deeds have only made themselves clowns in the world and snubbed at all places.
Out of their deep-rooted idea of pursuing political interests and narrow-mindedness, some American politicians are too ignorant to accept the fact that the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made it.
The CPC has no special interests of its own apart from the interests of the working class and the broadest masses of the people, as stated clearly in the constitution of the Party.
The Party has always adhered to its original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and always maintained its flesh and blood ties with the Chinese people by standing together with them through thick and thin, which is the fundamental reason why the CPC has been able to develop from a small party with only a few dozen members to a major one with more than 90 million members and has ruled China, the world’s most populous country, for so long.
The COVID-19 epidemic, which has been regarded as a major test for China, has once again proved the strong governance capacity of the CPC and the strengths of China’s social system, which has been generally acknowledged by the international community.
The lies cooked up by certain U.S. politicians can never hold water in front of facts.
Public trust in the Chinese government has risen to 95 percent, which puts China at the top of all the 11 countries surveyed, according to Edelman, an American public relations and marketing consultancy firm.
Pompeo’s highly provocative China-smearing speech at the Presidential Library of Richard Nixon was “primitive and ineffective”, said Daniel Russel, former U.S. assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Filled with evil intentions, certain U.S. politicians have blatantly and grossly interfered in the internal affairs of China in a bid to contain its development.
Sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries are among the basic norms governing international relations.
Every state has an inalienable right to choose its political, economic, social and cultural systems without interference in any form by another state, according to the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
Non-interference in the internal affairs of other states was actually one of the basic principles governing China-U.S. relations established in the Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China, which was issued on February 28, 1972.
The principle was further solidified and developed in two other joint communiqués issued by China and the U.S. on December 16, 1978, and August 17, 1982, respectively, becoming the political foundation of China-U.S. relations.
However, some U.S. politicians have openly trampled on the basic norms governing international relations and arbitrarily undermined the political foundation of China-U.S. relations.
–The Daily Mail-People’s Daily news exchange item