UN urged to probe Indian atrocities in IoK

ISLAMABAD: Wife of Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik, Mishal Malik on Thursday said that India is unleashing worst genocide in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K). “Indian forces have martyred three more youth in past 24 hours”, Mishal Malik said in her statement and added that India is martyring youth under the name of so-called operation.
She urged the United Nations (UN) to send an inquiry commission to the IIOJ&K to probe genocide of Kashmiris.
On Tuesday, Indian troops in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred three more Kashmiri youth in Baramulla district of IIOJ&K. Last week, Pakistan had strongly condemned the extra-judicial killings of three Kashmiri labourers from Rajouri by the Indian occupation forces in a fake encounter in Shopian region of IIOJK, the Foreign Office spokesperson said.–Agencies