Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

Islamabad: On 25thAugust 2020, a Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) signing ceremony was held between CGSS and Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WCCI), Lahore Division. The MoUwas signed by Maj Gen Hafiz Masroor Ahmed (Retd), Vice President, CGSS and Ms. LubnaBhayat, President, WCCI Lahore on behalf of their respective organizations. The MoUs have been signed to promote collaboration between business women of Pakistan with the Eurasian region through the platform of Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad which will promote soft image of Pakistan regionally and globally.This cooperation will be a milestone for the development ofprogressive and economically stable Pakistan.
The MoU signing ceremony was also attended by:
• Brigadier Abdullah Khan (Retd), Member Advisory Board CGSS
• Lt Col Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, CGSS
• Ms. Palwasha Nawaz, Project Executive, CGSS. – PR