Netanyahu seeks surrender over peace

RAMALLAH: A senior Palestinian official said on Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn’t seek peace with the Palestinians but wants them to surrender to his plans. Saeb Erekat, the secretary-general of Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee, made the remarks in response to Netanyahu’s statement. Netanyahu said in a joint press conference held on Monday with Jared Kushner, senior adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, that “if we have to wait for the Palestinians to make peace, we will have to wait forever.” “If Netanyahu and Kushner want to make peace with the Palestinians while Jerusalem and its holy sites under Israel’s sovereignty, they must wait until after the end of time and life,” Erekat said in an emailed press statement. Erekat noted that Netanyahu, “who heads a government of settlement and apartheid, does not want peace, but wants the Palestinian surrender under the Israeli apartheid regime.”–Agencies