India pushes for decoupling with China

DM Monitoring

New Delhi: India’s latest move to push for decoupling with China by banning 118 Chinese mobile apps against the backdrop of heightened border tensions will further divert away Chinese investors amid fraying bilateral relations, industry observers and entrepreneurs said.
While the South Asian country could take relentless cracking down on China as a gesture to please and align with the US-led strategy, analysts noted the maneuver is only “self-defeating” that would add pressure on its already-sinking virus-hit economy.
India’s Ministry of Information and Technology announced on Wednesday that it would block a total of 118 Chinese apps, claiming that those apps were “prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order,” media reported. The move comes amid a border clash between China and India, after Indian troops illegally crossed the Line of Actual Control and entered China’s side on Monday.
Among the banned apps is market-hit mobile game app PUBG, as well as apps from Chinese tech companies including Baidu, Alibaba and Alibaba’s financial arm Ant Group.
Gao Feng, the spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Commerce, said at a press briefing on Thursday that the Chinese side expressed serious concern and firm objection to the India’s decision. Gao noted that the India has abused “national security” by imposing discriminatory restrictions on Chinese companies and the action violates relevant WTO rules
“India’s action not only harms the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese investors and services providers but also harms the interests of Indian consumers while doing damages to India’s investment climate as an open economy,” Gao said.
On Twitter, some PUBG Indian fans on Thursday are bidding farewell to the game while expressing dissatisfaction over the government decision. Tutorials on how to play the mobile game via personal computer also circulated on social media platform. PUBG reportedly has 33 million active users in India.