‘China plays vital role in World War II’

CAIRO: China played a vital role during the World War II, said Salah Adly, secretary general of the Egyptian Communist Party (ECP).
China and its people had suffered for years from the Japanese invasion, Adly said in a recent interview with Xinhua.
The Chinese people resisted the aggression bravely and made great sacrifices, he said.
The Chinese people suffered much like those in many other nations who heavily suffered from the fascist and Nazi occupations, he said.
“The CPC (the Communist Party of China) had played a great role in resisting the Japanese occupation … the party prepared the Chinese people for resistance, endured and confronted the aggression and trained citizens on how to confront and resist the invaders,” Adly told Xinhua. The ECP leader stressed that the CPC played a fundamental and pivotal role in fighting against the Japanese invasion.
These sacrifices helped the CPC emerge stronger after World War II, adding that the Chinese people’s confidence in the CPC and its leadership was further strengthened. –Agencies