Osh Mayor hosts delegation from Turkey

DM Monitoring

OSH: Mayor of the Osh city Taalaibek Sarybashov on late Tuesday held a meeting with a delegation of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, led by its Deputy Head Sayit Yusuf, media reported on Wednesday.
During the meeting, the sides discussed the prospects for development of bilateral relations, as well as close cooperation in education sphere.
According to Sayit Yusuf, they arrived in Kyrgyzstan to admit students, postgraduates and doctoral candidates to the best universities of Turkey through interviews.
The interviews are conducted with students who have applied online for the 2020 Turkish Scholarships program under the guidance of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), which offers the opportunity to study at the most prestigious Turkish universities.
The interview process initiated in Bishkek will continue in Osh also.
“This year, 1250 students from Kyrgyzstan have applied for the YTB Scholarship Program in Turkey, and 179 selected students were invited to the interview, including about 40 students from Osh.
Successful candidates will be eligible to come to Turkey.
The day before we had meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyz Parliament speaker, and upon arrival in Osh we decided to pay our respects to you.
We strive to make Turkey a priority country for the education of successful young people from Kyrgyzstan, as Turkey has the necessary educational infrastructure for this.
However, I would like to note that besides education, we actively support the sphere of culture.
Last year we actively participated in the events, dedicated to the fact that the city of Osh became the Cultural Capital of the Turkic world,” Yusuf said.
Taalaibek Sarybashov noted the Osh Mayor’s Office is ready for close cooperation and will provide the necessary assistance and support.
According to the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, candidates who come to Turkey will be enrolled in universities according to their preferences in the first year after taking a Turkish language course.
Turkish scholarships for bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and research programs include monthly stipends for accommodation and meals for students.
Scholarship recipients will also be provided with medical insurance during their stay in Turkey.
YTB will also provide students with their first tickets to Turkey and return tickets after graduation.