Pakistani scholar in China aims to improve farmings

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BEIJING: Hafiza Javaria Ashraf, a female PhD at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU) in China has said that insect-pest had long been a headache for Pakistani farmers, and the aim to ease the burden of farmers and improve yield sparked her interest in learning agri-entomology and pest control in China.
“I hope I can play a role in integrated pest management (IPM) that emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control,” she said in an interview. Hafiza who graduated from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural entomology came to China for further study and received Master’s Degree at FAFU in 2018. As the top 10 excellent students, Hafiza won the scholarship offered by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) and FAFU and continued her PhD study in plant protection.
The scholarship was established for excellent scientists in the agricultural field based on an agreement signed between FAFU and UAF in 2017, China Economic Net (CEN) reported.
“Being a girl, I am the first one among the whole family to come overseas for studies. My parents supported me upon this decision and encouraged me to acquire a doctorate from China,” Hafiza said.
“The facilities provided by State Key Laboratory of Ecological Pest Control for Fujian and Taiwan Crops, College of Plant Protection, FAFU, and my respectable adviser – Prof. Liande Wang is the major reasons I was able to pursue my research dreams here,” she added.
As per the official statistics, Pakistan’s agriculture sector contributes 18.5 percent to the total GDP. Despite its continuously growing agricultural production, Pakistan is still facing a high level of food insecurity.
Every year the damage done to crops by pests and diseases, according to data of FAO, constitutes approximately 20–25 percent of the potential world yield of food crops. Therefore, plant protection plays an extremely important role in increasing the production of crops and protecting them.
In March this year, Pakistan and China signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly establish a center to fight against the locust threat in Pakistan. The two countries will carry out comprehensive cooperation on plant protection, including monitoring and early warning, demonstration, mutual recognition of standards, personnel training, and emergency response.