PPL finds hydrocarbon reserves in Kalat

Bureau Report

KARACHI: Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has announced a discovery of hydrocarbon reserves, with potential deposits of one trillion cubic feet, in Margand block in Kalat Plateau of Balochistan.
“The discovery of hydrocarbon reserves at Margand X-1 well is a historic milestone,” PPL said in a statement. It is the first find of hydrocarbon reserves in a westernmost area of Pakistan, which will set future course of the oil and gas exploration in the country.
PPL, operates the block with 100% working interest, has announced that the hydrocarbon discovery could have more reserves than the assessment made earlier. The extent of hydrocarbon reserves could be confirmed after digging of appraisal wells, the company said. Margand X-1 reached a depth of 4,500 metres inside Chiltan limestone. On the basis of wireline logs, Modular Dynamics Testing (MDT) was carried out, which proved the presence of hydrocarbon.
Drill Stem Test (DST) of the well showed a flow of 10.7 million cubic feet of gas per day. “Initial estimates based on the structure of the Margand block reveal that this block has one trillion cubic feet of reserves,” an official earlier said, adding that drilling of more wells would support the estimate.