China appoints Nong Rong as new envoy to Pakistan

BEIJING: The Chinese foreign ministry announced that Beijing has appointed Nong Rong as its new ambassador to Pakistan.
The Ministry’s spokesperson Zhao Lijian said, Mr. Nong Rong will be the new Ambassador to Pakistan. He will assume the office in due course of time. He also announced that “Yesterday, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on the sidelines of the meeting of the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers in Moscow.
The two foreign ministers agreed that the SCO foreign ministers’ meeting this time has achieved positive results.
In particular, against the backdrop of rising unilateral bullying practices, it made a resounding voice of upholding multilateralism, defending the authority of the United Nations and international law, and jointly addressing various challenges, thus fulfilling the SCO’s due international responsibilities.
During the meeting, State Councilor Wang Yi stressed that China is ready to continue to provide support to Pakistan in fighting COVID-19 until the epidemic is defeated. China stands ready to work with Pakistan to better develop the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, including conducting agricultural cooperation to the benefit of the people.
It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, the CPEC will play a greater role in boosting Pakistan’s economic development and improving its people’s well-being.
China is ready to continue to firmly support Pakistan on multilateral occasions to safeguard international justice. Next year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan.
The two sides should carry forward traditional friendship, plan for the future and elevate bilateral relations to a new height.
Foreign Minister Qureshi said that Pakistan and China have always trusted and supported each other. Pakistan will continue to stand firmly with China and oppose any stigmatization and groundless accusations against China. – Agencies