AI principles for children released in BJ

BEIJING: Chinese institutions, universities and enterprises have jointly released principles governing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by children.
The principles aim to effectively reduce the possible negative impacts of AI on children while providing them with better education, said an official of the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) at a conference organized in Beijing for announcing the release of the principles Monday.
According to the principles, AI development should safeguard children’s dignity and protect and promote the free development and diversified growth of children.
They also stressed that AI products should help protect children’s privacy, promote their physical and mental health, and avoid potential risks.
The principles were released by the BAAI, Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with enterprises that focus on AI development.
In recent years, with the increasing popularity of online courses, games and social media, children have more exposure to AI products, whereas their ability to identify risks and hidden dangers is insufficient, said Zeng Yi with the BAAI.
At present, more attention needs to be paid to the data protection, authorization and security of AI products. – Agencies