Diplomats’ visit to Xinjiang will expose Western lies: Chinese FM

Beijing: China has agreed to and will arrange for European Union (EU) diplomats in China to visit Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in response to the diplomats’ request, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday.
Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for the ministry, said at a press conference on Tuesday that on Xinjiang issues, China always welcomes friends from other countries, including European countries, to have a look at Xinjiang, and to get to know the real situation on the ground, instead of relying on hearsay or deliberately fabricated lies.
He stressed that any investigations over Xinjiang-related issues based on a presumption of guilt are firmly opposed.
Wang’s remarks were in response to EU officials’ request to launch an independent investigation on Xinjiang-related issues.
Wang said China issued a detailed press release at a virtual summit of Chinese, German and EU leaders on Monday. On the issue of human rights, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that there was no unified path to development, and that there is no best protection of human rights but only better protection, and all countries should take care of their own matters first. China does not accept a “preacher of human rights” and opposes double standards.
Xi also clarified China’s stance on Hong Kong and Xinjiang affairs, saying that such affairs are China’s right to defend its sovereignty, security and unity, and that China firmly opposes anyone and any force that sows instability, secession and unrest in China, and interferes in China’s internal affairs.
Wang said China is ready to strengthen exchanges and make common progress with the EU on the principle of mutual respect.
Wang said the meeting also discussed human rights issues within the EU, such as the protracted refugee issue, the rise of racism, extremism and ethnic minorities in some EU member states, and frequent anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim and anti-black remarks and vicious incidents.
The EU acknowledged its own problems and hopes to have dialogue with China based on the principle of equality and respect, enhance mutual understanding and properly handle differences, Wang said.
Earlier, Terming political solution as the only right way for peace in Afghanistan, China on Monday welcomed opening of intra-Afghan talks and hoped that the negotiating parties would prioritize national interest and work together to put the country back on the path of peace and development.
“Intra-Afghan talks brought parties in Afghanistan on the negotiating table and started a new chapter of peace and reconciliation process,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said during his regular briefing while responding to a question about ongoing negotiations between Afghan Government and Taliban in Doha Qatar. “Facts have proven that military means will not bring peace as the political solution is the only right way,” he said.
“We hope that negotiating parties will prioritize national interest and work together to harvest peace, build inclusive political structure acceptable to all parties, fight against the terrorism, maintain peace and friendly policies and help put Afghanistan back on the path on peace and development,” he added.
The spokesperson vowed that China would continue to be the supporter and mediator in the Afghan peace process. He said, “The Afghan government and the Taliban are brothers.”
China welcomed the negotiations and hoped the two sides could put aside hatred while working together for the future of Afghanistan, he added.
He said China as a traditional friendly neighbour of Afghanistan always stood for an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.
“China respects Afghanistan’s choices and will continue to be the supporter and mediator for the country’s peace process.”
The Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister sent a message of congratulations to the delegates of intra-Afghan talks and wished lasting peace after 19-year war in the country.
The peace talks between the Afghan Government and the Taliban began in Doha, Qatar on Saturday.
While responding to a question about the deal between Bahrain and Israel for normalization of relations, he hoped that the relevant parties would take concrete actions to return the Palestine issue back to the track of dialogue and negotiations.
China’s position was clear and consistent on Palestinian issue, he said. “We will continue to support the Palestinian people’s just cause to resume their national legitimate rights and establish independent state.”
The spokesperson said China would continue to play a positive and constructive role in that regard.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times news exchange item