CGSS continues Online Internship Program for students of Int’l Relations

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: Week 3 of the Third Batch of CGSS Online Internship program, here on Friday. This internship program is organized for the students of International Relations, Defense & Diplomatic Studies and other related fields to equip them with firsthand knowledge regarding International Affairs and the Contemporary geopolitical arena. This internship program also aims to help students in developing analytical and research writing skills.
Forth session of this online internship program was held on 14th September, 2020 conducted on the theme, “India’s Hegemonic Ambitions and impact on Regional Security†. Speaker for this session was Dr. Zarmina Baluch, Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Islamia College University Peshawar. She highlighted the strategic importance of South Asia and the hegemonic aspirations of the Modi administration in destabilizing the regional peace. She also focused upon the RSS ideology of Akhand Bharat and Indian government’s expansionist approach towards the regional states.
Fifth session of the internship Program was held on 18st September, 2020 on the theme,”Pakistan’s Role in Enhancing Regional Peace & Security”. Maj Gen Shahid Ahmad Hashmat HI(M), (Retd), Senior Member Advisory Board, CGSS & Former High Commissioner of Pakistan to Sri Lanka gave a comprehensive lecture on the theme and stated that, Pakistan has great geostrategic significance in the region, owing to its pivotal location,this offers many opportunities for the country but at the same time poses challenges also. He further shed light on Pakistan’s diplomatic relations with its neighboring states and highlighted that Pakistan has always played a vital role in preserving peace and stability in the region and beyond. Moreover, he discussed in detail how Pakistan can enhance its position in the region and promote peaceful and friendly relations with regional states. He lauded the struggle of innocent Kashmiris for their right to self-determination and their resistance towards Indian oppression.
This internship program coordinator is Ms. MinahilShawal Afridi, Research Assistant, CGSS. It is noteworthy that students from all across Pakistan are enrolled in this Online Internship Program. This program will prove to be a milestone for the students of International Relations as it is helping them in understanding foreign policy and important analytical skills that will help them academically and professionally.