Jeenbekov urges enhanced trade with neighboring countries

Bishkek: President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov at today’s regular interview with the state radio spoke about measures to support business and prospects for cooperation with donors, neighboring countries, including China.
The head of state noted that business support is one of the key issues on the government’s agenda.
“When we introduced the emergency and quarantine regime in March, it became a big obstacle for business. I met with entrepreneurs in May after the quarantine was lifted. I listened to their basic requirements and questions. The relevant government structures also took part. Key directions for government were identified. Now they are working in this direction. The government has its own vision on this matter,” Jeenbekov stressed.
The President added that work with neighboring countries, strategic partners and donors was carried out continuously on almost all projects launched before the pandemic, and on those requests that the country had in connection with the current situation.
Jeenbekov said that he held telephone conversations with the heads of almost all major donor partner organization when the outbreak began and the difficulties arose. “They noted that the previously launched socio-economic projects will not be terminated. It was very important for us. They kept their word, the issue of funding has not stopped.–Agencies