Washington’s dangerous brinkmanship on Taiwan

BEIJING: Washington’s reckless and deliberate provocations against the one-China principle in recent months has threatened peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sparked further tensions between China and the United States.
The White House claimed that U.S. Under Secretary of State Keith Krach visited the Chinese island province late last week to attend a memorial service for former Taiwan leader Lee Teng-hui, who had long been engaged in activities aimed at separating Taiwan from China. Last month, U.S. Health Minister Alex Azar visited Taiwan under the ruse of anti-pandemic cooperation.
However, no excuse can cover up Washington’s true political motivations, or change the fact that both trips have seriously challenged China’s red line on the Taiwan question.
The current U.S. administration, which tagged Beijing as Washington’s “strategic competitor,” has recently been taking an increasingly hardline approach on China. In the game of getting-tough-on China, Taiwan island has always been one of Washington’s key cards.
Apart from dispatching high-ranking officials to the island, the United States has also recently mounted weapons sales to the island, and sent more military planes and warships to the region.
All of these acts have interfered with China’s internal affairs, violated the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiques, and sent the wrong signal to those who seek “Taiwan Independence.”
Washington has shown little desire to offer real benefits for the people of Taiwan, bringing the region harm and danger instead.
According to Taiwan media reports, the Democratic Progressive Party authority there has lifted the ban on imports of U.S. pork containing ractopamine, triggering strong and wide protests on the island over potential food safety risks.
Washington’s provocations are more dire than those sincere health concerns. By using Taiwan as pawn to contain China’s development and seek domination in the Asia Pacific, those Washington China hawks will bring unbearable risks to Taiwan, jeopardize regional peace and stability, and mount the threats to one of the world’s most important bilateral relationships.
Those trying to undermine China’s national reunification efforts should discard the illusion that Beijing will compromise on its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
To make its resolve more visible, the Chinese military recently held continuous live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait, particularly targeting external interference and a small number of “Taiwan independence” secessionists and their acts.–Agencies