Tibet official expelled from CPC for corruption

XI’AN: The discipline inspection commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region announced on Friday evening that a senior official was expelled from the CPC and removed from his position for corruption, divulging state secrets and illegally possessing ammunition.
Wang Jinhe, aged 55, a former Party member and deputy director of Tibet’s transport authority, has been subject to disciplinary and supervisory investigations for suspected serious violations of discipline and law in April this year, according to the media. He has been in the vice post of the Tibet transport authority for eight years since 2012. The discipline inspection commission said Wang has demonstrated disloyalty to the Party and even countered the inspection by transferring and concealing evidence. Wang illegally occupied public houses; divulged state secrets, and illegally possessed ammunition, said the commission. Wang took advantage of his position to provide unlawful help in contracting projects to those who offered him bribes of a huge amount, said the commission, without releasing details of the figures. Wang has seriously violated the Party’s disciplines of politics, organization, work and life. And his actions should be dealt with seriously, said the commission. The commission said Wang has since been expelled from the Party and removed from his government position with all illegal gains confiscated. His suspected crimes will be transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination in accordance with law.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item