An overview of Parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek: At the moment, these parties are divided into three categories:
– having parliamentary experience, that is, previously already included in the country’s parliament
– claiming to enter parliament not for the first time, but who have not achieved success before
– participating in the parliamentary elections for the first time.
The most experienced parties, that is, those that have already been part of the Jogorku Kenesh are:
1. Ata-Meken Socialist Party, founder and leader is Omurbek Tekebaev. It has been a member of the parliament since the announcement of elections on party lists 3 times – in 2007, 2010, 2015. In the last VI convocation, 11 members were represented in the parliament. The party positioned itself as an opposition faction in the parliament and is still opposition faction. Both by the experience as a party and in the parliament, and by the potential of its list, the party can claim success.
2. Kyrgyzstan political party, headed by Kanat Isaev, is a member of the parliament since 2015, it is represented by 18 members. The party was a member of the majority coalition, positioning itself as a pro-governmental party. In the current elections, in the process of registering with the CEC, the party unexpectedly stumbled, falling into a scandalous story due to the fact that it didn’t submit the documents in-time, and only through the decision of the Supreme Court received the right to participate in these elections.
3. Respublika political party, with its leader Mirlan Jeenchoroev. It was a member of the parliament in tandem with the Ata-Jurt party following the 2015 elections, the tandem collapsed later. 28 members represent the party in the parliament. It was a member of the majority coalition, positioning itself as a pro-government party.
4. Bir Bol, the party of state unity and patriotism, party leader is Altynbek Sulaimanov,. In the last elections, the newly minted party managed to unexpectedly overcome all electoral barriers and became a member of the parliament, with 12 members representing the party. In the majority coalition, it positioned itself as a pro-government party. The party is known as a party of moneybags.
5. Political party the Veterans of the war in Afghanistan and participants in other military conflicts, with its party leader Akbokon Tashtanbekov. It entered the parliament in 2005 with two of its members, when the Jogorku Kenesh had two chambers – the upper house – the Assembly of People’s Representatives, and the lower house – the Legislative Assembly. The party’s representatives were members of the lower house.
Based on the experience of participation in elections, the chances of some parties of this category in the current elections are not bad.
The popularity of the parties does not tell the electorate much, and they have noticeably less financial resources than some other parties included in the list of participants in the 2020 election process.–Agencies