NZ PM on course for election victory

DM Monitoring

SYDNEY: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is poised to retain power at next month’s election, a widely watched poll showed on Sunday, although it said a recent COVID-19 outbreak has dented her support slightly.
A Newshub-Reid Research Poll released on Sunday showed support for Ardern’s Labour Party at to 50.1%, though this is down from the record 60.9% recorded earlier this year when New Zealand was widely lauded as a world leader in battling virus. Support for the main opposition National Party was at 29.6%, up 4.5 percentage points. Should the poll findings materialise, Ardern would govern without relying on any coalition partners.
New Zealand was virus-free for 102 days until a second wave hit Auckland last month. Ardern became the country’s youngest leader in more than 150 years in 2017 after the kingmaker nationalist NZ First Party agreed to form a govt with her Labour Party, ending the National Party’s decade in power.