India uses force to muzzle freedom voice in IoK

SRINAGAR: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, fascist Modi led Indian government in negation of fundamental human rights is using every brutal tactic to muzzle the voice of the Kashmiris for freedom in the territory.An analytical report released by Kashmir Media Service says that the Kashmiris’ demand for their right to self-determination is mandated by a number of UN resolutions on Kashmir, and they have every right to speak their conscience.
The report cited the independence of Sub Continent from the British rule as a result of the struggle of the natives and said, “India must remember that popular movements can’t be defeated by military oppression.”
Quoting statements of world powers and global institutions on Kashmir and debate in UN Security Council on the issue for more than three times in less than one-year period, the report said that India no longer can gag Kashmiri people by imposing military siege and communications blockade as the whole world has started speaking on behalf of the oppressed Kashmiri people. The report stressed the need for more pressure on India form the global community to let Kashmiris speak what they want as the world’s so-called largest democracy is denying basic rights to the IIoJK people.
Meanwhile, IIoJK, fruits growers and dealers have complained that fruit laden trucks are unnecessarily stopped by men in uniform at various points on Srinagar-Jammu highway for days together.–Agencies