What do Kyrgyz parties propose in pre-election programs

Bishkek: The election campaign, which has started on Sept. 4 is coming to the end in Kyrgyzstan. The parliamentary elections will be held this Sunday on Oct. 4
In total, sixteen political parties are fighting for seats in the Kyrgyz Parliament.
Among them five are new parties and the rest have already participated in various elections and have some experience.
The most experienced and famous parties, which have already participated in elections are: Ata-Meken, Kyrgyzstan, Respublika, Bir Bol, Butun Kyrgyzstan and Political party of the Veterans of the war in Afghanistan, which was part of the Jogorku Kenesh long time ago, when the Parliament in Kyrgyzstan was bicameral. In addition, this list can include Zamandash and Meken Yntymagy parties, which participated in elections several times, but failed to win.
Two parties Birimdik and Mekenim Kyrgyzstan, though has no experience in major elections, but participated in some local elections.
The new parties, which were formed recently and took part in elections for the time are: Yiman Nuru, Chong Kazat, Reforma, Social Democraty political party, Ordo and Mekenchil political party.
Experts of Kyrgyzstan forecast that these new parties have no chances to enter the Parliament. Expert Mars Sariev said that such parties as Birimdik, Kyrgyzstan and Mekenim Kyrgyzstan likely can become a part of the Jogorku Kenesh. At the same time he said that Ata-Meken, Bir Bol and Butun Kyrgyzstan also have good chances to win the elections. He also supposed that may be Zamandash also can enter the parliament.
The expert characterized the election campaign as normal. He told Kabar News Agency that good and equal conditions are formed for all the parties and it is very important.
The recent study conducted in Kyrgyzstan shows that 31% of voters said that the content of the political association’s program will most of all influence their choice of the party, while 24% of voters said that they will rely on the list of candidates when making a decision. In general, parties offer in their programs the development of the country, but each party sees the path to development in its own way.
For example, Ata-Meken party’s program focuses on the development of industry and manufacturing.
The goal of the Birimdik political party is to build a welfare state that ensures a decent life and free development of citizens by developing an economic program that would contribute to the modernization of industry, energy, agriculture, construction, transport, overcoming the raw material nature of the economy, the development of entrepreneurship and private business.
Mekenim Kyrgyzstan party aims to build a socially oriented state with a developed market economy and called its direction as social-liberal.
The party also aims to transform Kyrgyzstan into an IT hub that will connect Central Asia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
And the most interesting in the program is that the party aims to bring Kyrgyzstan to get into the top 20 in Doing Business rating by 2025.
Bir Bol also promised to include Kyrgyzstan into the top 30 countries in the World Bank’s Doing Business rating by 2025.–Agencies