Experts laud Xi’s plan on biodiversity

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for stronger international effort to tackle environmental challenges. Proposals put forward by President Xi Jinping at the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity were highly praised by experts worldwide, who said his ideas will have practical and far-reaching significance for protecting biodiversity and building a beautiful world.
At the UN summit on Wednesday, Xi highlighted major risks related to the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of the ecosystem.
He also made four proposals: adhering to ecological civilization and increasing the drive for building a beautiful world, upholding multilateralism and building synergy for global governance of the environment. He also stressed for continuing green development and increasing the potential for high-quality economic recovery after COVID-19. He urged the member countries to strengthen efforts to tackle environmental challenges.
As China is the host country for the 15th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2021, or COP15, Xi reiterated China’s strong commitment to preserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable development.
In his address, President Xi further stated that “ China has taken an active part in global environmental governance. China takes seriously its obligations under environment-related treaties, including on climate change and biodiversity. We have hit, ahead of schedule, the targets set for 2020 for tackling climate change and establishing protected areas.
As the largest developing country, China is prepared to take on international responsibilities commensurate with its level of development, and contribute its part to global environmental governance. Guided by the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China will continue to make extraordinary efforts to scale up its nationally determined contributions.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item