Egypt welcomes historic peace deal signing

CAIRO: Egypt welcomed on Saturday the signing of the final peace agreement between Sudan’s government and several rebel groups, said the Egyptian cabinet in a statement, describing the deal as “historic.”
Hosted by neighboring South Sudan, the signing ceremony of Juba Peace Agreement was held on Saturday and attended by an Egyptian delegation headed by Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly.
“Egypt also signed as a witness to the historic peace agreement,” said the Egyptian cabinet.
It added that the peace deal marks “the beginning of a bright page” in the history of Sudan, in which “the efforts of its people of various sects and national currents unite to work on the country’s elevation and prosperity.”
Egypt also vowed to spare no effort in supporting stability and development in Sudan, according to the statement.
In his remarks during the signing ceremony earlier in the day, the Egyptian prime minister described the deal as “the beginning of a new era for Sudan filled with hope, stability and prosperity,” expressing Egypt’s appreciating of South Sudan’s mediation efforts that led to the final agreement.
In late August, the Sudanese unity government and several armed movements under the Revolutionary Front Alliance initialed a comprehensive peace deal in Juba to end armed conflicts.
The formalized peace agreement aims at putting an end to decades-long conflicts that left millions of Sudanese displaced and hundreds of thousands dead.–Agencies