2,474 polling stations to open as elections kick off in Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek: The voting to elect deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh has started in Kyrgyzstan on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. local time, Chairwoman of the country’s Central Election Commission (CEC) Nurzhan Shaildabekova said during a briefing.
2 thousand 474 polling stations are opened across the republic.
Due to pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, the current elections are held according to a certain algorithm, developed by the Ministry of Health and the CEC. According to this algorithm, contactless temperature control are organized at the entrance to the polling stations. All members of precinct election commissions and voters are provided with personal protective equipment (masks, gloves).
Special pointing lines will help to ensure contactless movement of voting participants and observance of a social distance of 1,5 – 2 meters both outside and inside the voting premises.
According to the tizme.gov.kg website, a total of 3 million 523 thousand 554 voters have been registered for the elections.
In addition, 32 thousand 602 Kyrgyzstanis abroad will vote through the Foreign Ministry of the country.
Only citizens who have reached the age of 18 and passed biometric data can vote in the elections. A voter may vote only if he/she has a passport (ID-card or a civil passport) and only at his/her polling station by registration. 16 political parties run for parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan. Agencies add: The parliamentary elections have started in Kyrgyzstan on Sunday amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 2,474 polling stations have been opened at 8 a.m. local time (0200 GMT) throughout the country, and will remain open until 8 p.m. local time (1400 GMT). Sixteen political parties will run in the elections.
According to data by the Central Election Commission (CEC), over 3.5 million voters are registered in the country, and another 32,602 voters living abroad can cast votes in 45 polling stations around the world. The health ministry and the CEC have developed a specific algorithm to observe all sanitary and epidemiological standards during the pandemic.
Besides, all members of election commissions and voters are provided with personal protective equipment, and a social distance of 1.5-2 meters will be observed both outside and inside the voting premises.–Agencies