RV travel gains traction in NW China

LANZHOU: Jian Jie stopped her motorhome by Qinghai Lake, China’s largest inland saltwater lake, and took out the food she had prepared to make hotpot with her family.
“It’s really an unforgettable experience to have such a gourmet meal in nature,” said Jian, a local resident of Lanzhou, the capital city of northwest China’s Gansu Province.
Jian spent more than 1,000 yuan (around 147 U.S. dollars) on the daily rental fees of a recreational vehicle (RV). Inside the RV is almost everything required for daily life: bed, bathroom, kitchen, TV and refrigerator.
“Compared with hotel arrangements, RV travel is more cost-effective and suitable for a family trip. And the best part of RV travel is the freedom,” she said.
Affordability, convenience and personal freedom have made RV travel increasingly popular among Chinese tourists.
Zhang Shiqi, general manager of the Gansu Guantianxia international travel agency, said there were more than 400 RVs launched in northwestern Chinese cities of Xining and Lanzhou including 140 units from her company, and all of the vehicles had been reserved in early September.
“Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, many tourists no longer choose to go on organized tours, and RV travel has gained traction with complete facilities and a unique experience,” Zhang said. – Agencies