US is on the cusp of make or break

By Su Fangzhou

THE United States is a great country in most people’s eyes around the world, a powerhouse in terms of the scientific and technological strength, sophisticated financial systems, individual freedom and cultural influence, just to name a few. However, that strong imagery of “great country, great nation” has been somewhat dampened by a series of events recently, mostly thanks to the astonishing performance of the US administration both at home and abroad.
Whether it is disinterest in scientific guidance given by the then top virologist for the pandemic control, its unilateral approaches alienating both its allies and the rest of the world, the US administration’s seemingly determination to undermine the fundamental rights of every American citizen for casting their ballot by mailing and blatant objection to a peaceful power handover if it loses the election really shocked the global audience and put the model of American political system, the hailed epitome of Western democracy, into question: Whom does the administration really serve, its people or elite?
Its attitude toward mask wearing, proposal of herd immunity for the public to deal with the pandemic crisis and dismissal of climate change may answer that question. Back in 2016 election the administration’s famous slogan of making America great again resonated with many. The following years indeed witnessed the achievements in terms of its economic performance, such as GDP and employment rate overall. Right now, the administration is struggling to uphold that image of its strong leadership that it guarantees would deliver America a greater future, and by doing what? First and foremost, blaming China for everything.
Wherever the administration speaks, whether it is to its electoral base, on TV or even at the UN, it calls the pandemic China virus (yes, even today), alleges that Chinese were stealing American manufacturing jobs, and blames the trade deficit on China “manipulating” its currency. The drama continues to unfold as the tension rises between the two economic powerhouses, their win-win rapport subject to a gloomy reverse. The situation has especially worsened by America’s baseless accusation and arbitrary sanctions on Huawei followed by the detention of its CFO Meng Wanzhou, and more recent the coerced sales of TikTok to its American companies.
But even targeting its rivals seems not to be enough for the US. With its withdrawal from Paris agreement on climate change and membership of the WHO, the current American administration’s phobia toward globalization is omniscient, which could only reflect its myopic and self-serving vision for the human development that, let’s put it plainly, all other countries should just kneel before it and pick the scraps of the pie of wealth while the lord of America takes the juiciest chunk.
The engines of human development should be innovation and cooperation as always, and only by tackling the common problems in our world with collective wisdoms and probity would we be able to make a leap forward and mould a promising civilization for all. When challenges arise out of globalization, the global nations should adjust their strategies through conversations, systematic planning and reforms to redress the balance and get themselves better positioned in the competition rather than resorting to suppression and bullying.
Now that the hope of a multilateral cooperation has been dashed by the US administration, one cannot help but think of the looming possibility of a new cold war. But if one is heedful of the voice of the people, it would not be so hard to find out just how revolting the obsolete mentality of cold war is, even the mere mention of it, and the people truly deserve better lives which their leader should put on top in his priority list.
With global crises like the pandemic and climate change threatening our prosperity, the administration continues to claim and defends itself that all it did was for the sake of its country, by indulging itself in the illusion of “science doesn’t know” while the wildfire in California was consuming the neighborhood, the protests raging across the country and the hurricane savaging the coasts. Well, who am I to say what a US leader should be like, and may God truly bless America.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item