Kazakhstan, Slovakia to boost economic ties

BRATISLAVA: Kazakhstan and Slovakia are ready to further build up and expand partnership at a new stage of relations, including within the framework of the Agreement on Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union and its member states, Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry said, following talks between Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleuberdi with his Slovak counterpart Ivan Korcok and Defence Minister Yaroslav Nad at the GLOBSEC Forum in Bratislava.
The foreign ministers discussed in detail the ways to strengthen the political dialogue on the bilateral and multilateral tracks within the UN and OSCE, and trade and economic cooperation. “The interlocutors noted the presence of a huge and not yet fully realised potential of such interaction, supporting the active work of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation (IGC), the idea of creating a business council between the two states and the exchange of business delegations. In addition, the parties outlined prospects cooperation between development assistance agencies KazAID and SlovakAID,” the Kazakh ministry said. During the visit of the Kazakh minister, the parties discussed military and military-technical cooperation, the legal basis for which is provided by an appropriate intergovernmental agreement.
“The meeting participants discussed the exchange of experience in the field of training Kazakhstani peacekeepers, expanding their participation in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN. The parties also invited the heads of defence departments and companies of the two countries to participate in two specialised exhibitions of arms and military equipment – IDEB 2021 and KADEX 2021, which should take place respectively in Bratislava and Nur-Sultan in March and June next year,” the ministry said.
Also, Tleuberdi met with the heads of large Slovak companies, during which businessmen were familiarised with the investment opportunities of Kazakhstan. As you know, today more than 40 enterprises with the participation of Slovak capital operate in the Kazakhstani market. Mechanical engineering, defence industry, engineering and infrastructure development, agro-industrial complex, pharmaceuticals, advanced digital technologies and their implementation in the process of creating Industry 4.0 were identified as promising areas of economic interaction. “The visit of the head of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry to Bratislava symbolised the beginning of a new stage of partnership between the two countries,” the ministry said. –Agencies