Kyrgyz President likely to prolong state of emergency

DM Monitoring

BISHKEK: The office of Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov said on Monday he has been asked to prolong the state of emergency in capital Bishkek beyond Oct. 21 to further stabilise the situation after a week of unrest. The proposal came from Bishkek commandant Almazbek Orozaliyev who met Jeenbekov together with two other senior security officials, the president’s office said in a statement.
Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov has signed a Decree according to which the state of emergency is reintroduced in Bishkek. This decision stemmed from a fact that the Jogorku Kenesh did not consider the previously introduced state of emergency on the territory of the capital within three days. At today’s meeting with the president, Commandant of Bishkek Almazbek Orozaliyev suggested considering the extension of the state of emergency in the capital.
Thus, in view of the current situation involving violence and threat to life and health of people that has arisen as a result of mass disorders, solely in the interests of protection of life and health of citizens, their safety, as well as for the purpose of early stabilization of the social and political situation and establishment of public order on the territory of Bishkek city, the Decree provides:
– Introduction of a curfew on the territory of Bishkek city from 8:00 p.m. on Oct. 9, 2020 till 8:00 a.m. on Oct. 21, 2020;
– Imposition of a special regime for entry and exit of citizens;
– Involving subdivisions of the authorized state bodies in charge of defense and internal affairs in protection of public order, strategic objects and objects providing vital activity of the population;
– Ban on mass events, strikes, meetings, rallies, street processions, demonstrations and pickets;
– Introduction of a special rules for using the communication;
– Restriction on movement of vehicles,
– Identity check in places of mass gathering of citizens.
This Decree shall come into force upon signing.
Following the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan, held last Sunday with the participation of 16 parties, supporters of political parties, which failed to win seats, organized protest actions in Bishkek demanding the annulment of the elections and claiming gross violations. Preliminary results showed that four parties crossed the 7 percent threshold to enter the parliament.
Kyrgyzstan’s Central Election Commission on Tuesday annulled the results of the elections after clashes between police and protesters. As a result, over 1000 people were injured, 1 (man,19) has died.
Meanwhile, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov received on Monday Chief of the General Staff of the Kyrgyz Armed Forces Taalaibek Omuraliyev, his press service reported. Deputy Secretary of the country’s Security Council Zhanybek Kaparov and Deputy Internal Minister, commandant of Bishkek Almazbek Orozaliyev participated in the meeting. Measures were discussed to further stabilize the socio-political situation in the country and ensure security of health and life of citizens.
Jeenbekov emphasized that for today the power structures of the country should primarily be focused on ensuring calm and stability in the society and safe life activity of citizens. The head of state also drew attention to the importance of ensuring effective interaction between law enforcement agencies in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Head of the General Staff Taalaibek Omuraliyev reported that servicemen continue to serve, as well as to interact with the commandant’s office of Bishkek under the state of emergency regime. Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Zhanybek Kaparov said he visited law enforcement officers who was injured during the Oct. 5-6 events in Bishkek. They received material assistance on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Bishkek Commander Almazbek Orozaliyev noted that since the introduction of the state of emergency on the territory of the capital, crime and the number of violations had significantly decreased. But at the same time, there are number of strongly requests from Bishkek residents, and in this regard, in order to further stabilize the socio-political situation, Orozaliyev suggested considering the extension of the state of emergency in the capital.