Beijing warns US of selling arms to Taiwan

BEIJING: China urges the United States to stop its plan to sell arms to China’s Taiwan region immediately, said the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, warning that the country will make a legitimate and necessary response in light of recent developments. Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson from the ministry, made the remarks when he answered a question about reports that the White House is moving forward with three sales of advanced weaponry to Taiwan. U.S. arms sales to Taiwan seriously breaches the one-China principle and three China-U.S. joint communique, especially the August 17 Communique, severely undermining China’s sovereignty and security interests, and gravely violates basic norms of international relations, said Zhao.
China urges the U.S. to recognize the seriousness of the problem, stop arms sales and cut all military connections with Taiwan region, Zhao told reporters, adding that China is going to take proper and necessary response based on the development of the situation.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN exchange item