Opp wants to hide misdeeds: PM

-Says opposition’s drive poses no threat to govt
-Confirms no NRO for corrupt leaders
-Argues past govt took huge loans that put country in economic crisis
-Hails current govt efforts to control inflation

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said that the opposition has launched an anti-government campaign to hide its corruption. Presiding over a meeting of the government’s spokesperson in Islamabad, PM Imran Khan said that opposition’s drive posed no threat to the government.
Those who were hurling baseless rigging allegations against the PTI-led government had not even filed complaints with the elections commission of Pakistan, he added. The prime minister maintained that the he had made a sincere offer to probe the rigging allegations but the opposition failed to provide any evidence in support of their allegations.
He said that the former governments had taken record loans and brought country to verge of economic disaster. Despite difficult situation, the government put the country on the path economic growth, the prime minister added.
He said that the government was taking effective measures to control inflation and hike in prices of essential commodities. PM Imran claimed that the government will control inflation within few days.
Earlier on October 14, Prime Minister Imran Khan had ruled out any chances of reconciliation with the opposition parties.
No matter what opposition staged sit-ins or protests, I’ll never give National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) to anyone, PM Khan had said while talking to Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Information Senator Faisal Javed Khan and Senator Zeeshan Khanzada who called on him in Islamabad.
The meeting had discussed the revival of the film and drama industry and the overall political situation of the country including oppositions’ protest.
Moreover, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday ruled out any chances of reconciliation with the opposition parties.No matter what opposition stages sit-ins or protests, I’ll never give National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) to anyone, PM Khan said while talking to Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Information Senator Faisal Javed Khan and Senator Zeeshan Khanzada who called on him in Islamabad.
The meeting discussed the revival of the film and drama industry and the overall political situation of the country including oppositions’ protest also came under discussion. PM Khan said he will address the convention of the Tiger Force in the current week. Hitting the opposition parties’ reunion, PM Khan said he has been saying from the very first day that the opposition is united only to save their corruption.
On Friday, Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan had said that all the opposition leaders have gathered at one platform to save their corruption.
Addressing the seminar of PTI Lawyers Forum in Islamabad, he had said that opposition parties have only one agenda to halt the process of accountability. “They do not believe in rule of law in the country.”
On the other hand, On Pakistan’s re-election to UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for three years, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said Pakistan would continue to expose human rights violations, committed by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
“Pakistan will continue to expose human rights violations committed with impunity by the Indian occupation forces in IIOJK,” the Prime Minister tweeted.
Imran Khan said, “We remain committed to upholding human rights for all, prioritizing advancement of tolerance & constructive engagement.” He expressed the commitment to stand resolute against Islamophobia and in support of mutual respect.“Pakistan will continue efforts towards consensus building and ensuring HRC’s work is guided by principles of universality, impartiality, dialogue & cooperation,” he said.
He commended the role of the Foreign Office and Pakistan’s missions abroad in yet another diplomatic achievement, enhancing Pakistan’s profile and recognition on the international stage. While, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday stressing the need for a Provincial Financial Award said transparent and equitable distribution of revenue was essential to ensure uniform level of development in the provinces.
Chairing a high-level meeting on the development of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, particularly the merged areas, and Punjab, he said equitable distribution of financial resources at district and provincial levels was one of the top priorities of the government. The meeting was attended by federal ministers Asad Umar, Fawad Chaudhry, Omar Ayub Khan, Finance Adviser Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Mahmood Khan, Finance Minister Taimur Saleem Jhagra and other senior officials.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar, Finance Minister Makhdoom Hashim Jawan Bakht and the chief secretary also attended the meeting through video-link. The meeting discussed in detail the development needs of the merged areas and also Punjab on the matter related to Provincial Financial Awards.
Prime Minister Imran Khan said the federal government was committed to an unhindered development of the merged areas and expressed commitment to provide all necessary financial resources. He regretted that previous governments made injudicious distribution of resources among the areas on the basis of political affiliation, resulting in sense of deprivation among the people.
He urged upon the provincial governments to pay special attention to empowering districts and local governments in terms of revenue so as to divert the resources towards development. The prime minister directed the provincial governments to consider out-of-the-box solutions to increase revenue at the provincial level. In that regard, he said, special attention should be paid on generating financial resources by utilizing public property to minimize the financial impact of the coronavirus situation.
The meeting also discussed the net hydel profits payable to Punjab and the KP, for which a working group had been constituted to sort out the issue amicably. The prime minister appreciated the efforts of planning ministry on the matters relating to Provincial Financial Awards and net hydel profits.