COVID-19 increases risks for cancer patients

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California: The following is a roundup of some of the latest scientific studies on the novel coronavirus and efforts to find treatments and vaccines for COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus.
COVID-19 increases risks for cancer patients
Cancer patients face poorer outcomes if they become infected with the new coronavirus, a new study shows. However, undergoing recent cancer treatments did not make COVID-19 outcomes worse, so cancer therapies should not be delayed, the research team advises in a report published on Friday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The study involved nearly 23,000 patients with cancer who were tested for COVID-19 at U.S. Veterans Affairs health facilities nationwide. Roughly 1,800 (7.8%) had tested positive, with no effect of age on the likelihood of infection. COVID-19 rates were higher in patients with blood cancers (11%) than in those with solid tumors (8%). Compared to patients who tested negative for the virus, COVID-19 patients had more hospitalizations, needed more intensive care, and needed more help with breathing. Death rates were 14% among cancer patients with COVID-19 and 3% in those without the virus. Across the country, African-American and Hispanic cancer patients had higher rates of COVID-19 infection than white cancer patients – 15%, 11% and 6%, respectively. They also had higher rates of hospitalization. The real prevalence of COVID-19 among cancer patients remains uncertain, the researchers point out, because many have not been tested for the virus.
Common cold antibodies do not protect against COVID-19 Your immune system may be able to produce antibodies that recognize and fight off the coronaviruses that cause common colds, but those antibodies are not likely to protect against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, new research shows. At Rockefeller University in New York City, scientists studied blood samples collected and stored before the pandemic from people known to have had common colds in the past few months. In test tube experiments, they found that each sample contained antibodies that could recognize and neutralize, or disable, at least one common cold coronavirus – and most could recognize multiple such viruses. But none of the samples had antibodies that could recognize and disable a virus that had been modified to look like the new coronavirus, carrying the spike protein that helps it infect healthy cells. In a report published ahead of peer review on Sunday on medRxiv, the researchers say that while there may be rare individuals with common cold antibodies that can also target the COVID-19 virus, their new data suggest those antibodies are not going to have much of an effect for the population as a whole.