WaterAid Pakistan calls for hygiene to help prevent Covid-19

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: On Global Handwashing Day, WaterAid Pakistan is calling on the government to significantly increase its investment in clean water and hygiene to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and save lives. On this Global Handwashing Day, which is themed around “Hand Hygiene for All†WaterAid Pakistan joined hands with the government and other stakeholders to mark the day to highlight the fact that frequent handwashing with soap is one of the most effective ways of preventing the spread of Covid-19. Without this frontline defence, the risk of the virus spreading in communities is greater. In Pakistan, WaterAid joined hands with Save the Children, UNICEF and Ministry of Climate Change to arrange an international webinar to highlight the importance of hand hygiene. Speaking at the webinar UK Minister for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Wendy Morton said “Handwashing is more important because COVID is not going away and we need to focus on relevance of messaging around Handwashing. She also emphasised on the need for climate resilient programs so that stress on water resources can be reduced. She also reaffirmed commitment to support Pakistan’s efforts to ensure hand hygiene for all†.
Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul while speaking at the webinar said the government with support of INGOs and civil society actors will leave no one behind in the Sustainable Development Agenda, hence it will focus on addressing inequalities in access to hand washing facilities and programs to reduce the risk of the marginalized groups to diseases that impact their health, education and economic outcomes.
Moreover, in collaboration with Federal Directorate of Education WaterAid Pakistan organised an event at a local school of the capital city with due safety protocols. This event aimed to highlight the importance of hand hygiene for everyone. The event was attended by the representatives of federal government institutions and development partners.
In connection with Global Handwashing Day, Country Director WaterAid Pakistan Siddiq Ahmed Khan said “Nearly 80 million people in Pakistan are still living without basic handwashing facilities. To ensure hand hygiene for everyone everywhere we need significant increase in our current investment for clean water and hygiene. We need to work together with government, civil society and development partners to make this a top priority so that everyone, including the most vulnerable in our society, have the chance of a healthy and secure future†. He said we also need to change our behaviours and adapt water conservation and hygiene as part of our lifestyle. He emphasized on the role of teachers and young students as catalysts for changing the behaviours of whole society.
Globally, WaterAid remained part of numerous activities conducted in partnership with many other development partners and stakeholders. Highlight of the celebrations around the world included a three-day virtual regional conference on “Hand Hygiene in Asia and Pacific†from 12-15 October in partnership with World Health Organization, UNICEF and other international partners. Government representatives, policy makers, practitioners and researchers from around the world elaborated upon different aspects of hand hygiene for all.
Under another global initiative, nearly 27,000 people worldwide voted in WaterAid’s celebrity-backed Art of Change competition making their voice heard on this important issue. The campaign attracted 285 artists across 44 countries who produced inspiring artwork on the theme of water and hygiene to help use their art as a force for good. On Global Hand Washing Day, WaterAid announced that the winner of Art of Change, chosen by the public, is ‘Clean water saves lives’ created by Holly Thomas from London.