PPF calls for applications, nominations

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF), a member of Civil Society for Independent Media and Expression (CIME) plans to organize ten three-day holistic security training workshops for bloggers and human rights defenders in different cities. The trainings will include daylong sessions on digital, physical and psychosocial security.
A look at the changing landscape of threats to freedom of expression shows that the threats are increasingly becoming more sophisticated. Where once physical threats were predominant, now digital threats and intimidation through other means is leading to self-censorship of the press and of civil society actors. The holistic trainings are designed to develop skills of the participants to secure themselves in each of these different kinds of threats, enabling them to perform their democratic function in a safer manner.
PPF is now accepting nominations from bloggers and human rights defenders who would gain from professional safety training.