No name is finalized yet for Chief Selector post

Bureau Report

Karachi: Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)’s Chief Executive Wasim Khan said they haven’t finalized any name yet for the chief selector’s post.
Speaking to PTV Sports, Khan said Misbah informed them about leaving a post due to extra workload. “Misbah’s told us that he is leaving a post to reduce workload,” said the CEO.
“Yes, we are in talks with Mohammad Akram, but we are also talking with 2 more people about the Chief Selector role,” Khan added upon being asked about the reports stating Akram will be taking up the vacant position.
It must be noted here that Misbah stepped down as the national team’s chief selector on Wednesday. “I have decided to resign from the role of the chief selector. We have ten important tours coming due to which it will be difficult for me to coordinate and focus on domestic cricket and team selections,” he was quoted saying to reporters.