Kyrgyz CEC to hold parliamentary re-elections

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Kyrgyzstan held a meeting on setting the date and organization of repeat parliamentary elections.
The press service of the CEC reported that the election commission considers it important to create legal conditions for expanding the representation of political forces representing the interests of citizens in parliament before setting the date of repeated elections at the legislative level.
In this regard, the CEC requested the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan to consider in a short time:
– lowering the electoral threshold for entering parliament and the size of the electoral deposit;
– changing the procedure for the right to change the electoral address ( form 2);
– legislative regulation of participation in repeated elections of political parties, whose actions served as the basis for invalidating the election results.
Within the framework of the meeting, the legal and organizational aspects of the repeated parliamentary elections were discussed. After setting the date, the elections must be held within two months. The CEC members consider it expedient to schedule the elections for Dec. 20, so that there is an opportunity to sum up the voting results and the election results in 2020.
According to the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic if the elections are declared invalid, a candidate, political parties have not been elected based on the voting results, then the repeated elections are scheduled. Repeated elections within one month are set by the Central Election Commission and are held by the respective election commissions.
At the same time, the terms of electoral actions in re-run elections are reduced by one third. The announcement of the repeat elections shall be published in the mass media no later than 2 calendar days from the date of the relevant decision by the Central Election Commission.