Kyrgyz FM, Turkish envoy bilateral strategic cooperation

Foreign News Desk

BISHKEK: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbayev received Ambassador of Turkey to Kyrgyzstan Cengiz Kamil Firat, the press service of Kyrgyzstan’s Foreign Ministry reported.
The Turkish ambassador congratulated Kazakbayev on his appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and wished him further success.
During the meeting, the Kyrgyz foreign minister informed the interlocutor about the domestic political situation in the republic, and noted that now the situation in the country is stable, the ongoing political processes have returned to the legal field, all branches of government of the Kyrgyz Republic are legitimate, and the executive authorities continue to operate in a normal mode.
The sides also exchanged views on topical issues of bilateral cooperation in political, trade and economic and cultural and humanitarian spheres.
Special emphasis was placed on activating priority areas of cooperation, as well as taking measures to strengthen and develop the Kyrgyz-Turkish strategic cooperation. Foreign Minister Kazakbayev noted the importance of full implementation of previously reached agreements.
Earlier, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbayev met on Friday with Head of the European Union Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, Ambassador Eduard Auer, the press service of the Kyrgyz MFA said.
Minister Kazakbayev noted the haste of yesterday’s statement by EU concerning transfer of powers of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic to incumbent Prime Minister of the country.
He drew attention to the fact that the procedure of power transfer in the country was conducted peacefully and corresponded to the norms of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic. During the conversation, the Kyrgyz foreign minister informed about the domestic political situation in the republic.
He noted that now the situation in the country has stabilized, the ongoing political processes have returned to the constitutional field, and stressed that the executive branch of the Kyrgyz Republic has been fully formed, which has intensified its activities, including the restoration of the socio-economic situation in the country and is taking measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Kyrgyz side noted the new Government of the Kyrgyz Republic assumes full responsibility for stabilizing the situation in the country, creating fair conditions for the upcoming political elections, aimed at ensuring political pluralism in the governance of the country.
The sides also discussed bilateral cooperation issues between the Kyrgyz Republic and European Union, as well as upcoming events at bilateral and multilateral levels.
They also noted the importance of further enhancing the full range of bilateral cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and EU, including in the framework of EU project activities in the republic.
While, Kyrgyzstan’s Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbayev received on Friday Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Central Asia, Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Natalia Gherman.
According to the press service of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry, Minister Kazakbayev conveyed the words of appreciation to UN Secretary-General António Guterres for his attention and readiness to support the Kyrgyz Republic.
He expressed gratitude to the UN System Organizations for assistance in holding parliamentary elections. At the same time, the foreign minister emphasized that repeat parliamentary elections and early presidential elections need to be held in near future, and also expressed a request for technical support.
Minister Kazakbayev informed about the developments after the parliamentary elections, about the settlement of the political situation in the country.
The foreign minister also drew attention to the newly deteriorating epidemiological situation caused by coronavirus and seasonal respiratory diseases, and called for continued assistance in combating the spread of coronavirus and its negative impact on the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Speaking of behalf of the United Nations, Natalia Gherman strongly encouraged the Kyrgyz authorities to ensure that decisions made on the way forward for the country are being reached in an inclusive and transparent manner in line with the Kyrgyz Constitution and legal framework.
She noted the support of the UN has been providing to the reform process, including through electoral and legal assistance, parliamentary development programmes and peacebuilding efforts.
Natalia Gherman reiterated that this assistance should be based on close partnership and commitments of the Kyrgyz authorities.
The SRSG stressed the importance of respect for human rights, non-discrimination, as well as inclusion of young people and women in decision making process.
SRSG Natalia Gherman also mentioned about the UN led coordination among bilateral and multilateral development partners in addressing challenges, related to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and the health system of the country.