India on the edge as Kashmiris intensify freedom drive: Moeed

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Security and Strategic Policy Planning, Dr Moeed Yusuf on Sunday said India was stuck in a difficult position in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and “unable to figure out what to do.
Its move of August 5, 2019 had expectedly backfired and it had lost Kashmir for all practical purposes, Dr Moeed said in his exclusive interaction. He said “The future of Kashmir dispute is that India will have to hold plebiscite as per the United Nations (UN) Resolutions to give Kashmiris their just right to self-determination as there is no other workable solution to the issue.”
“There is a list of things (pre-set conditions) that India will have to do by force, due to Kashmiris or do it voluntarily and come to the table and have a conversation so that both countries can move forward.”
The SAPM emphasized that the pre-conditions, set by Pakistan, were the benchmark for any dialogue process with India, if it was serious to hold talks on Kashmir. The first question to any such Indian proposal was that either it was serious or not and if India could fulfill the pre-requisite.