China’s struggles for a prosperous global village

BEIJING: Seventy-five years ago, our fathers’ generation won the epic victory of the World Anti-Fascist War through years of heroic struggles.
The ensuing decades witnessed the founding of the United Nations on October 24, 1945, the best hope of humankind to facilitate international cooperation and coordination and establish a new international order to avoid a third world war following two such cataclysms.
From organizing peacekeeping missions to implementing the Millennium Development Goals and then the Sustainable Development Goals, from promoting South-South and North-South cooperation to implementing its Development Program, World Food Program and Environment Program, and from offering humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers through its Children’s Fund to recognizing World Heritage Sites by its Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the UN has been the guardian of international peace and security, the promoter of human progress, the protector of international law, and the engineer of socioeconomic development.
Over the past 75 years, the ideals, values and objectives of the UN have been endured: the peaceful settlement of disputes; the equal rights of men and women; non-intervention, self-determination and the sovereign equality of member states; and the clear rules governing the use of force.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item