Accountability to continue against corrupt elements, says Buzdar

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar said on Tuesday that the indiscriminate accountability will continue against corrupt elements under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
Usman Buzdar said in a statement that the opposition leadership adopted the agenda of hiding its looted resources and those delivering statements against national institutions are enemies of the country. He added that anti-state rhetoric exhibited a deteriorated mental state of the so-called leaders. He continued that creating chaos in the country could not be called running politics but to serve the nation with good spirits.
The Punjab chief minister said that the nationals are well-aware about the difference between truth and lie, whereas, the unnatural alliance of eleven opposition parties is worthless in front of PM Imran Khan.
Meanwhile, the number of novel coronavirus patients increasing due to neglecting the standard operating procedures (SOPs) Punjab chief minister said on Tuesday. The active cases of coronavirus in province have increased to 2198 as 108 new infections were reported in past 24 hours, Usman Buzdar stated.
In last 24 hours, 12 more patients of the disease died in the province and the overall death toll reached to 2310, he said. Chief Minister Usman Buzdar stated that the number of coronavirus patients was earlier dropped to a larger extent but in 20 days of October the tally of infections and casualties have increased.
The chief minister appealed citizens to follow the precautionary measures in letter and spirit. The cooperation of citizens is necessary to avoid the second wave of the COVID-19, Buzdar said.
“It will be in the best interest of general public to continue following precautionary measures,” he said. “They should maintain social distancing for protection of their own lives,” the chief minister further said.