Kyrgyz acting President postpones re-elections

Bishkek: Acting President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov signed the constitutional law of the Kyrgyz Republic to postpone the date of repeat parliamentary elections untill the constitutional reform.
The press service of the acting president said that the need to adopt this constitutional law is dictated by a number of circumstances, as well as the current socio-political situation in the country. The law was adopted by the Kyrgyz Parliament on Oct. 22, 2020.
The adopted Law provides for the suspension of articles of the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic, which regulate the procedure for holding the repeat parliamentary elections, until the end of the constitutional reform. The timing of repeat elections will be set after the constitutional reform in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, but no later than June 1, 2021. This Law of the Kyrgyz Republic comes into force from the moment of its official publication and is valid until the completion of the constitutional reform.
The repeat parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan were scheduled for Dec. 20, 2020. The previous parliamentary elections were held in Kyrgyzstan on Oct. 4. The Central Election Commission annulled its results on Oct. 6 amid protests organized by losing parties.
Earlier, For 30 years Kyrgyzstan has gone through 3 revolutions, which were caused by dishonest elections, Acting President, Prime Minister Sadyr Zhaparov told in an interview with the BBC Kyrgyz Service. He noted that his goal is to conduct fair elections by any means through ballots or e-mail.
“I instructed the Central Election Commission to introduce the blockchain system. It will cost approximately USD 25 million. These funds are now being sought. The blockchain system will be implemented, perhaps we are in time for the upcoming elections. If not, then we will definitely introduce them to the next ones. The main advantage of blockchain in the voting system is its high level of transparency. This method eliminates the possibility of voting several times, since it stores immutable records of all votes and all identification data,” Zhaparov said. . –Agencies