‘Regional peace through bilateralism’

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser Friday said that the dream of peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan was about to be realized. He remarked that peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan would not only ensure regional peace and but it would also be vital for socio-economic development of the people of both the countries, adding regional peace, prosperity was achievable only through enhanced bilateral engagement.
Asad Qaiser expressed these views while talking to Speaker of the Wolsey Jirga (Afghan Parliament) Mir Rahman Rahmani who called on him at Parliament House.
Afghan Speaker arrived in Islamabad along with a seventeen members Afghan Parliamentary delegation. Asad Qaiser while talking to the Afghan speaker said that Pakistan had always desired a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan which was not only in the interest of Pakistan but also for the entire region. He said that parties to the Afghan peace process should seize the opportunity for perpetual peace in the country.
While apprising his Afghan Counterpart about the achievements of the Pak-Afghan Parliamentary Friendship Group, Asad Qaiser said that tariff barriers and procedural impediments in mutual and Afghan Transit Trade had been removed, facilitation on borders for visitors and trading community had been ensured besides easing visa policy for students, visitors and patients.
He also pointed out that both countries could achieve economic autarky by utilizing their geographical importance. Asad Qaiser was confident that Parliamentary contacts between the two countries would enhance cooperation and mutual trade. He, further, stressed on the need to prioritize trade and economic links between the both countries as immense mutual trade and investment potential existed on both sides.
The speaker said that the Pak-Afghan Trade and Investment Seminar being held on October, 26-27 would pave the way for enhanced economic activities. Mir Rahman Rahman lauded Speaker Asad Qaiser’s efforts to enhance bilateral trade especially focusing on the issues of Transit trade and opening new trade routes on Pak-Afghan border.
He said that Afghanistan valued high its ties with Pakistan since people on both sides of the border were tied in eternal bonds of religion, culture and ethnicity. Mir Rahman appreciated efforts of Asad Qaiser to harmonize relations between both the nations. He said that parliamentary contacts would bring both the nations more closer.
He also pointed out that Afghanistan had vast potential of investment and trade opportunities and trading community was looking forward for investment in Pakistan. Mir Rahman expressed his confidence about the success of peace process.
He said that peace would usher in era of progress and stability in Afghanistan. Earlier Mir Rahman planted sapling in front Parliamentary building to symbolize that the relations between both the countries would grow ever like green and fruitful tree. Later on he also inscribed his comments in the G guest book of National Assembly of Pakistan.