India caught swaying world via malicious propaganda

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: India is trying to hoodwink international community through malicious propaganda against Pakistan, aimed at lending legitimacy to Narendra Modi’s unilateral approach of dealing with the Kashmir dispute.
At a time, when India has received extremely press in the global media due to its litany of human rights violations in different parts against minorities and the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), it was trying to malign Pakistan as an aggressor party.
Every passing day in IIOJK tells tales of tyranny, subjugation and heart rending tortures and international organizations are witness to it. But, India was shamefully trying to portray these subjugated masses as its own people through cosmetic overtures like inauguration of a Museum.
The Indian authorities are mistaken to think that such initiatives would erase the imprints of sufferings from the minds of Kashmiri people. India cannot distort history through frivolous tactics as Kashmiri have not forgotten the hundreds and thousands killing occurred in IIOJK since 1947.
This fresh move is yet another creation of ‘Hindutva’ mindset that always tried to influence global opinion on human rights violations in IIOJK.
A two day event was organized last week in Srinagar to ‘document, reconstruct and bring alive the historic narrative of Pakistani ‘aggression’ in IIOJK in 1947 is meant for falsely portraying Pakistan as an aggressor.
But history reveals otherwise, Back in 1947, the ruling Dogra establishment connived in overseeing the massacre of Muslims in Jammu as part of the elimination of the indigenous population and settling of a predominantly Hindu population.
The death figures range from over 300,000 killed and two million displaced.