In the name of Democracy?

-Makhdoom Babar Editor-in-Chief

The leaders of the alliance of 11 political parties, many of which have either no presence in National Assembly or have just a one-seat representation, formed a movement with the name of Pakistan’s Democratic Movement or the PDM.
The reason cited for the formation of this so-called movement was that this would be a movement to force government to step down as there were gross irregularities in the national elections of 2018 and thus the sitting government was not legitimate. Everyone could have been okay with the proceedings of this movement to see what proofs of election irregularities or what evidences they would bring to the public about inability of the government to govern etc.
However, right from the first rally of the PDM in Gujranwala, people only could witness that there was nothing solid with the PDM to prove the government being disqualified but in fact the entire focus was on destabilizing the State and State institution. If Gujranwala rally was marred by accusation on Army Chief and ISI Chief by PDM speakers, particularly by the fugitive PML (N) leader Nawaz Sharif then Karachi rally was used to not only to attack State institution but also to harm the State and sabotage national integration over linguistic issues when PDM platform was used to declare that Urdu is unacceptable to be used as National Language, despite the fact that it was declared to be National Language by none the else but by the founder of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam for the sole sake of national integration. And what hooliganism was done at the tomb of Quaid-e-Azam by PDM rally participants was a bonus point for them to earn.
This anti-State movement touched new horizons when on Sunday at the Quetta event of the movement was utilized to push further another nefarious design of the enemy that is to create disintegration of Baluchistan from Pakistan. This is a conspiracy that is being hatched by India since decades and Indian intelligence agency RAW has been using all means and all the resources for its success. At the Quetta even, just like the Karachi episode, not only served the enemy interests for launching the plan to disintegrate Baluchistan but also earned bonus points for enemies of Pakistan by casting serious doubts about the mega development project which is for the welfare and uplift of the people of Pakistan, the CPEC.
Most disturbing fact of the Quetta episode of the PDM was that the daughter of the thrice elected Prime Minister (Maryam Nawaz) and son of the twice elected Prime Minister and once elected President of the country( Bilawal Zardari), not only bothered to object over this clear attack on sovereignty and slodarity of Pakistan but made a criminal connivance by remaining silent spectator to the entire episode while being the equal participant of the event.
On the other side, the sitting government that is supposed to be the custodian of the sovereignty and solidarity of Pakistan and to protect the supreme national interests when such conspiracy stand disclosed, is hiding behind the idiotic notion of democracy and the Government Ministers are merely sufficing on condemning this anti-State mover rather than suggesting some preventive measures to the Prime Minister and the national Security Agencies.
The Daily Mail humbly argues that in which form of democracy and in which part of the world any politician or any political party or a political alliance is allowed to openly destroy national interests, national integration, National institutions, State sovereignty and State solidarity? We also argue that under which norm, tradition or standards of democracy the sitting government is just letting it all happened, in the name of democracy? Is this really democracy?
The Daily Mail would like to warn the government that if it will remain silent over this conspiracy against Pakistan and if it will do nothing to prevent what the PDM is doing in the name or under the garb of democracy, the government would also be held responsible for the same by the historians and generations to come.